Aaron Slaughter

Aaron Slaughter - Vice President

Personal Background and Accomplishments:
* Immediate family including parents have resided on Longacre Street for over 50 years.
* Active member of the Schoolcraft Improvement Association for 31 years. President of the Longacre Block Club for 25 years.
* Member of Unity Baptist Church Detroit for over 36 years and President of the United Brotherhood Ministry of Unity Baptist Church.
* Los Angeles City College – Majored in Business Administration.
* The National Insurance Association, Durham, North Carolina – Insurance Business Management.
* Currently retired.
* District Manager, Wright Mutual Insurance Company, Detroit, MI - Wright Mutual Insurance Company was the only Black owned insurance company in the State of Michigan and was built in 1942 in Detroit, MI.
Mr. Aaron Slaughter is the proud father of one daughter and one granddaughter. May the Lord’s blessing be upon the Schoolcraft Improvement Association.

Brother Aaron Slaughter